ドラマティックな瞬間が多くの人に訪れるようなプロダクトを創りたい。そんな想いから、2004年「NEOSTANDARD(ネオスタンダード)」をコンセプトとした、トップウォータープラグを使用するゲームフィッシングを提案するブランド「Chest114」を設立。「for a dramatic life」をブランドステートメントに、美しくありながらも、堅牢性・機能性を兼ね備えた妥協のない製品を創造しています。
Kotaro Sugihara
杉原康太郎(スギハラ コウタロウ)
Kotaro Sugihara began fishing from his childhood under his father’s influence and caught a black bass for the first time when he was in elementary school. He could not forget the thrilling experience, began bass fishing in earnest when he was in junior high school. Then he got into exciting top water games and began to create wooden top water lures by himself. He continued to study, create, and pursue the best design and action of wooden handmade top-water lures, then He set up his own lure brand “Chest114” when he was in the university. Since then, his brand has continued to take on new challenges and grabbed the heart of a lot of fans, then secured its permanent position as popular top-water lure brand.